About the Berwick Chamber of Trade & Commerce
Berwick Chamber of Trade has established itself as a respected group, our views are sought by the local authorities and we have become valued for our objective lobbying, by opposing plans that we believe will have a detrimental effect and supporting those that we think we will be good for Berwick.
Our membership of the North East Chamber of Commerce ensures that our views are also channeled up through to the British Chamber of Commerce and ultimately to the Government .
The ongoing objectives of the Berwick Chamber of Trade are:
Continue to build the Berwick Chamber of Trade as an effective and respected lobbying force representing the interests of local businesses and the local economy.
Maintain the financial position of the Chamber in order to be able to sustain and develop its work.
Work closely with the local authorities both challenging and supporting their plans as the need arises.
Develop a plan of action to help facilitate the economic development of Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Encourage more active involvement and engagement from members to contribute to the work of the Chamber.
Identify new ways the financial resources of the Chamber can be used to good effect across the Town.
Elected Officers
The Berwick Chamber of Trade & Commerce is run by elected volunteers:
Stephen Scott – Chairman
Stephen was elected as Chair in May 2019.
He has lived in Berwick since 2015 and, with his wife, Louise, runs a successful Bed & Breakfast business.
Previously Stephen was an IT Director for Pearson, a large education company based in London.
John Gardiner – Treasurer
John was a self employed retail newsagent for 40 years, trading with three shops, located in Spittal, Bridge Street and Marygate, Berwick -upon-Tweed.
Now retired he has taken on the roll of Trustee for B-A-R-K, a local animal charity, Executive Member and Trustee of the Northern Area Federation of Retail Newsagents, and Treasurer of the Berwick Chamber of Trade & Commerce.
John specialises in all aspects of retailing to the general public.
Lindsay Benton – Vice Chair
After an early theatrical career, Lindsay moved into healthcare, training as a nutritionist. This resulted in a twenty year career working in private practice and teaching at Salford and Glasgow University. During this time Lindsay was also a media manager, event manager and magazine editor for a healthcare company. Lindsay still practices nutrition and has a historic holiday let in the town, she has also recently made a return to theatre and music, and is very much enjoying community work – sitting on a few committees in the town.
Phil Crowcroft – Secretary
Phil Crowcroft is a civil engineer by training, he retired from an international firm of environmental consultants in 2021, and now runs No 1 Woolmarket — a vintage department store in Berwick-upon-Tweed, with his wife Brenda.